Become an office
affiliated to Plural Advisors

Advisory as a service

It allows partner companies to access specialized financial expertise without the need to maintain a full-time team or office specializing in the international market. The approach offers flexibility, cost efficiency and expertise tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of B2B clients.

Our focus

Individual clients looking for quality service in the international market, and Brazilian companies serving individual clients looking for an efficient and specialized platform in the international market.


Access to different allocation methodologies geared towards matching client objectives and the market environment through efficient processes.

Personalized four-handed service

With the B2B partner and Plural Advisors we deliver the best customer experience.

Accessing investment solutions abroad

Want to know more about our B2B program? Get in touch below

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Como fazemos a melhor solução para investimentos Offshore?

B2B Partner

Parceiro prospecta, atende e mantém o relacionamento comercial com os clientes e enxerga e participa dos portfólios além de atualizar o cliente com respeito a performance da carteira.

Plural Advisors

  • Oferece abertura de conta e manutenção
  • Remessa e deposito
  • Plataforma e soluções (alocação, suitability, modelos de portfólio, execução, reporting).
  • Mapeamento do perfil do cliente e alocação das carteiras;
  • Informa B2B partner com frequência mensal de conteúdo macro e conteúdo específico que fala a língua dos sub-modelos que serão alocados para os clientes;


Fee structure

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Up to $25M - 35%

Commission to B2B Partner

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Above $25M - 50%

Paid quarterly

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