Invest in strategies that are in line with your objectives, but that take into account the market context.

Dynamic Strategies

American Dream

A long-term portfolio designed to perform at all times of the economic cycle and with 100% automated decision-making. The model is monthly and dynamic, working with eleven ETFs of different asset classes and different behaviors within the movements of the economic cycle. It uses a monthly reading of macroeconomic inputs, which feeds signals to adjust the weight of the ETFs depending on the cyclical variations (and the strength of the variations) that occur over the quarters.

Annualized Return
Total Return 3 Months
Annualized Return (Return adjusted for inflation)
Returns Since the Beginning of the Year
Standard Deviation
Return 1 year
Best Year
Annualized Return 3 Years
Worst Year
Annualized Return 5 Years
Maximum Drawdown
Annualized Return 10 Years
Sharpe Ratio
Annualized Return Since Inception
Sortino Ratio
Annualized Standard Deviation 3 years
Market Correlation
Annualized Standard Deviation 5 years
Number of Assets in Portfolio - 10
Segments in this portfolio
Fixed Income - Government and US Treasuries
Equities - Utilities
Fixed Income - American Government and Inflation
Equities - Energy
Fixed Income - Corporate
Equities - Large Cap
Fixed Income - General Market
Commodities - Precious metals

American Dream Cash Signal

The same macro model as the American Dream Traditional, but for investors with less risk appetite. When stages of asymmetric variation in the correlation between the main asset classes emerge, they can feed a greater possibility of risk contribution overlap between the classes. The portfolio then agnostically reduces the positioning and adds a new variable, the Cash Signal (Dollar Index), which can vary in weight from 15% to 45% depending on the level of variation in the correlation distribution.

Long-term portfolio designed to perform at all times of the economic cycle and with 100% automated decision-making. The only difference between American Dream Original and Cash Signal is the monthly monitoring of the variation in the (annualized) correlation between the performance of high-credit quality fixed-income assets and variable-income assets. Once detected, the correlation present in the monthly variations between the two main asset classes is not significant. Statistically, the model increases the cash flow to 50% agnostically.

Why American Dream Cash Signal?

Within the retrospective analysis of the American Dream dynamic model since 2007, we have noticed that the moments of greatest fragility in the portfolio consist of market situations where there is a weakening in the statistical significance of the variation in the monthly correlation between the movements of US Treasury bonds versus the stock market (using the Wilshire 5000 Index, the 5,000 US stocks, as a variable).

Therefore, in order to create a macro-dynamic model for more moderate or conservative profiles, we decided to introduce the Cash Signal effect, which is similar to our Risk Parity Breadth Indicator.

In simple terms, when the correlation between 30-year Treasury bonds and the Wilshire 5000 falls below one standard deviation from the median, all of American Dream Original's allocation recommendations are 50% replaced by cash.

Annualized Return
Total Return 3 Months
Annualized Return (Return adjusted for inflation)
Returns Since the Beginning of the Year
Standard Deviation
Return 1 year
Best Year
Annualized Return 3 Years
Worst Year
Annualized Return 5 Years
Maximum Drawdown
Annualized Return 10 Years
Sharpe Ratio
Annualized Return Since Inception
Sortino Ratio
Annualized Standard Deviation 3 years
Market Correlation
Annualized Standard Deviation 5 years
Number of Assets in Portfolio - 11
Segments in this portfolio
Fixed Income - Government and US Treasuries
Equities - Energy
Fixed Income - American Government and Inflation
Equities - Large Cap
Fixed Income - Corporate
Commodities - Precious metals
Fixed Income - General Market
Dollar Index
Equities - Utilities

We believe that the criterion for choosing between the two is more related to the overall strategy of the portfolio:

  1. If more than 80% of your portfolio is model-oriented, we suggest the Cash Signal version.
  2. If less than 25% of your portfolio is geared towards the model, we suggest the version without Cash Signal.
  3. If the model is planned to make up between 26% and 79% of your portfolio, we suggest an individual assessment by your Advisor to understand what the portfolio will comprise "in full" and to assess whether or not the inclusion of Cash Signal is necessary to mitigate overexposure risks at non-recommended times in the cycle.
  4. If your portfolio plans to use the American Dream model for more than 500,000 dollars, we recommend evaluating between the monthly version and the quarterly version, depending on which custodian does the management work. The cost of brokerage is a determining factor, which is why we don't recommend the monthly version for accounts where the American Dream model will be less than 500,000 dollars in weight.

We used Optimal Asset Class Correlation studies as a basis, with backtests carried out since 1988. The study consists of initially detecting whether the American economy is between:


Greater exposure to stocks in cyclical and growth sectors. Greater partial reduction in fixed income with higher credit quality.


Greater reduction in exposure to cyclical and growth sector stocks, towards defensive sector stocks. Marginal increase in fixed income with higher credit quality and long duration.


Greater reduction in exposure to defensive sector stocks, towards fixed income with high credit quality and long duration. Beginning of a marginal increase in cyclical and growth stocks, in a timid manner.


Greater reduction in fixed income with higher credit quality. Aggressive increase oriented towards stocks in cyclical and growth sectors.

In order to assume where the economy stands, we use our scorecard for decision-making:

  • BPIA Proprietary Economic Indicator #1 (Coincident / Current State of the Economy).
  • BPIA Proprietary Economic Indicator #2 (Leading Index 12 months).

Decision-making criteria:

  • Our Coincident Economy Monitoring System (Index #1) generates a score, which is adjusted in relation to the recommended weights in each ETF for each of the 4 economic moments.
  • The change in weight not only reflects the current change in the economic reading, but also takes it into account:
  • The change in the ideal allocation for the current month/quarter is weighted by the suggested allocation over the last three months.
  • Our Leading Index (#2) generates a short-term Adjustment Factor, which, within a normal distribution, tends to indicate whether the variation in current macro monitoring should be "stronger" or "softer" compared to the suggested allocation over the last three months (adjusted by Coincident Index #1 organically).


In this way, the portfolio will tend to adjust to the Expansion, Repair, Downturn, Recovery reading as a function of both the last two quarters and the strength of the variation in the leading indicators. In this way, we avoid false signals and at the same time navigate according to the economy with a delay in the reading of between 1-3 months, which defines the timing of the delay is precisely the confirmation of Coincident Index #1 in relation to the general signal by Leading Index #2.

Within the retrospective analysis of the American Dream dynamic model since 2007, we have noticed that the moments of greatest portfolio fragility occur in market situations where there is a weakening in the statistical significance of the variation in the monthly correlation between the movements of US Treasury bonds versus the stock market (using the Wilshire 5000 Index, the 5,000 US stocks, as a variable).

Thus, aiming at a macro-dynamic model for more moderate or conservative profiles, we introduced the Cash Signal effect, which is similar to our Risk Parity Breadth Indicator.

De forma simples, quando a correlação entre os bonds do Tesouro de 30 anos e o Wilshire 5000 fica abaixo de um desvio-padrão da mediana, todas as recomendações de alocação da American Dream Original são 50% substituídas por caixa.


Conservative income

  • Description: Portfolio geared towards short and ultra-short maturities, intermediate/upper credit quality.
  • Purpose: Replace cash in times of uncertainty.
  • Main Risk: Opportunity cost.

High yield short duration

  • Description: Portfolio oriented towards short and intermediate-short maturities, lower credit quality in exchange for higher yields.
  • Purpose: Offer dividend recurrence.
  • Main Risk: Credit.

High quality duration

  • Description: Portfolio oriented towards intermediate and intermediate-long maturities, superior credit quality in search of higher yields and tactical positioning.
  • Purpose: Dividend recurrence and counter-cyclical allocation.
  • Main Risk: Interest.

Other Strategies


The main static models have the option of adding to the strategy other asset classes that have a negative risk contribution during most of the cycle versus the investment philosophy. For example, the Fundamentals Balanced portfolio includes a 35% weighting in long US Treasuries and 5% in gold, the REITs portfolio includes Dollar Index.

The option to include the Balanced version is a way of further diversifying the portfolios.


Through studies that focus on the pattern of behavior between asset classes over various points in the cycle, the Diversification philosophy seeks to assemble a portfolio where the weights of several different asset classes complement each other over most points in the cycle. We take into account: that the economic and credit cycle points vary; and that the composition between different asset classes and the variations in correlations between them.

Crédito Privado

Com o nosso fundo de credito privado, oferecemos aos investidores a oportunidade de investir em uma carteira diversificada de empréstimos com garantia sênior, que se concentra na preservação do capital e retornos atraentes ajustados ao risco com distribuições trimestrais


fundos com 300 investidores


de reinvestimento de investidores existentes


em financiamento sênior garantido em 120 transações


TIR aproximada líquida média para os investidores.

Por quê Crédito Privado?

  • Condições de mercado favoráveis com spreads crescentes, taxas básicas elevadas (SOFR) e  interrupções significativas no fornecimento de financiamento de dívida disponível no mercado de Imóveis Comerciais (“CRE”) 
  • Oportunidade impulsionada pelo recuo de credores tradicionais e CMBS, permitindo que outros credores privados extraiam termos de empréstimo mais atraentes em empréstimos de curto prazo e alta qualidade (12 a 24 meses) 
  • O Fundo investe exclusivamente em empréstimos CRE com garantia sênior, oferecendo o que acreditamos ser um perfil de retorno de risco atraente em relação a investimentos de crédito comparáveis
  • Target de Retorno Líquido IRR(1) e para Investidores (“LPs”) de 10% + com distribuições trimestrais de 7% a.a. 
  • Foco de Investimento – O Fundo concentra-se em empréstimos de tamanho de negócio entre $ 10-75MM para evitar mercados superlotados
  • Base conservadora – Emprestamos com níveis conservadores de Middle Market Loan-to-Value (“LTV”) (LTV médio de 55% e com baixa alavancagem no nível do fundo (meta de 0-25%) 
  • Alinhamento de incentivos com financiamento pari-passu e distribuição de juros diferidos do General Partner após a liquidação do fundo (European waterfall) 
  • Empresa Verticalmente Integrada – originação de negócios internos, subscrição, execução, manutenção e gerenciamento de ativos com supervisão e governança administrativa terceirizada de primeira linha

New Trends Stocks Only Dynamic Portfolio (Resumo em Breve)

Nome do Fundo

Invesco PHLX Semiconductor ETF


Invesco Dynamic Software ETF


Invesco Dynamic Networking ETF


Pacer Benchmark Data&Infras RE SCTR ETF


Advisory costs

The cost of managing the portfolio follows the model in the table below (annual percentage), and is based on the Net Asset Value (net market value) of the portfolio. The contract can be canceled at no additional cost at any time, and the charge relates to the number of days under Plural's management. The charge occurs monthly or quarterly, depending on the custodian chosen

Advisory Fee
US$ 50,000 a 100,000
1.40% a.a
US$ 100,000 a 300,000
1.00% a.a
US$ 300,000 a 600,000
0.90% a.a
US$ 600,000 a 1,000,000
0.75% a.a
US$ 1,000,000 a 2,500,000
0.65% a.a
US$ 2,500,000 a 6,000,000
0.50% a.a
US$ 6,000,000 a 10,000,000
0.40% a.a
US$ 10,000,000+
0.35% a.a


Depending on the custodian selected, there will be different brokerage charges per trade. However, we always look for the best brokerage costs and the best execution platform for stocks, bonds and options.

Brasil Plural Investment Advisors has no brokerage revenue.